10 Incredible Benefits of Turmeric (Curcumin)


Although turmeric has long been known simply as the main ingredient in many Indian curries, it has recently begun to gain prominence as a healthy powerhouse. Curcumin is the primary active component that provides the majority of the health benefits associated with turmeric. Recent studies indicate that turmeric can be a powerful tool for preventing cancer, inflammation, and diabetes.

10 Incredible Benefits of Turmeric

Although turmeric is most often praised for its anti-inflammatory properties, there are many other health benefits that are connected to the spice. In order to harness the power of turmeric, scientists have isolated curcumin. There are many benefits to incorporating turmeric or curcumin into your diet, including:

Taking Advantage of Turmeric

As a whole plant, turmeric is used as a powdered spice in food, but the isolated curcumin is available as a dietary supplement. So which should you choose? Turmeric is easy to incorporate naturally into your diet as a preventative measure, but Dr. Andrew Weil recommends using curcumin if you are seeking the benefit from the therapeutic possibilities.

If you choose to incorporate turmeric into your diet, it is easy to add the flavorful spice to many recipes. Soups and stews benefit from the flavor of turmeric. However, raw turmeric can be especially beneficial, so try sprinkling uncooked turmeric on steamed vegetables or mixing it into a fresh salad dressing. Some people dislike the taste of turmeric and therefore prefer to use supplements. Curcumin supplements are easily available and can offer a more concentrated dosage of the plant.

How do you like to incorporate turmeric into your diet?

For the Love of Dairy



When it comes to determining whether or not dairy is good for you, you’re probably confused! It seems like every few weeks there is a new set of ideas about which – if any – dairy products are healthy and good for you. It’s time to finally set the record straight on dairy products.

Full Fat and Organic: The Best Way to do Dairy

Conventional wisdom has it that skim and reduced fat dairy products are the only kinds a healthy person should consume, because these products have less fat. However, recent research has shown that organic, grass-fed, full fat dairy is actually the healthiest option. This can be hard news for fat-phobics to swallow, but the human body actually needs fat to function. In fact, the reduced-fat and skim dairy options that line the shelves of your grocery may actually be contributing to the obesity epidemic because they are full of unwanted sugar and calories.

CLA-grassfed-dairyNot convinced yet? Reuters recently reported that grass-fed cows produce milk that contains much higher levels of an unsaturated fat known as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLAs are healthy fats that are believed to improve heart health. In addition, CLAs can encourage weight loss and even decrease your risk of cancer and diabetes. Furthermore, organic grass-fed dairy products lack the antibiotics and growth hormones that can make conventional milk a health risk.

Raw Milk: An Even Better Option


While full fat, grass-fed organic dairy products may be your best bet for dairy products that you can find at most grocery stores, raw (organic and grass-fed) dairy products are the healthiest for you. The benefits of raw milk include higher levels of essential nutrients such as fatty acids and several vitamins, including Vitamin C. The pasteurization process dramatically reduces all of these vitamins and nutrients. Raw milk devotees also report that raw products actually taste better. If you’re interested in supporting local business endeavors, raw milk also lets you support local farmers and suppliers! However, it should be noted that raw milk can make drinkers very sick if it contains any bacteria or pathogens, since it is not pasteurized or sanitized in any way. You should only purchase raw dairy products from a farm that you feel is trustworthy.

There is actually some evidence to suggest that raw dairy products are suitable for people who struggle with lactose intolerance – raw dairy products have enzymes and live cultures that are not present in pasteurized options. Many people who suffer from lactose intolerance have found that raw milk is less likely to make them feel uncomfortable or sick. Perhaps this is because raw milk still contains all of the healthy bacteria that help your body to process dairy. Pasteurization actually removes all of the lactase enzymes that are known to improve digestion of lactose, the main sugar in milk!

It’s OK to Love Dairy!


So the set the record straight – dairy products are part of a well-balanced and healthy diet! The key is to find the right dairy products, which will give you the best health benefits while also tasting delicious. At a minimum, replace fat free or reduced fat items like milk, yogurt, cheese, and sour cream with the real, full fat versions.  Also, eliminate any margarines or other butter substitutes and replace them with the real thing.  If your budget allows, buy organic (and grass fed) dairy wherever possible. Finally, give raw dairy a try!

Yes, It Really is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Morning Power Foods

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but do we really believe it? Lots of busy people routinely skip breakfast or resort to a sugary pastry with their coffee. The truth is that your body desperately needs a healthy, hearty breakfast full of vitamins and nutrients, because your metabolism needs a kick-start before you begin your day. In addition, if you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to snack throughout the day and overeat at lunch and dinner.

Skip the Cereal Aisle

bran cereal

Looking for a quick breakfast option? Don’t choose a bowl of cereal! Believe it or not, cereal is one of the worst breakfast options out there. All of those tantalizing boxes in the cereal aisle are filled with over-processed cereals that are essentially fake reconstructions of the original grains. Even if the box says “fortified,” you’re only getting synthetic vitamins that your body can’t process properly. Plus, processed cereal is full of sugar that will cause you to have an energy spike before your energy levels plummet.

Don’t use cost as an excuse for eating cereal every morning. Yes, boxes of cereal are cheaper than healthier breakfast options, but when your energy drops, your going to spend money on extra snacks anyway.

Morning Power Foods

Morning Power Foods

Instead of cereal, focus on incorporating whole foods into your breakfast routine in order to get plenty of protein and fiber. Protein and fiber work together to give you sustainable energy throughout the day, so choose whole grain bread or oats for fiber, and nuts, eggs, or yogurt for protein. It’s always a good idea to get plenty of variety in your diet, so make sure you have plenty of healthy options to mix together in the morning.

If you still crave a bowl of cereal, try making your own homemade granola. When you make it yourself, your can control what ingredients go into your breakfast. Use oats, nuts, and dried fruit to concoct a well-rounded cereal alternative. Oatmeal is another great option for a nutrient-rich breakfast. Choose steel-cut oats to make sure you’re getting as much fiber as possible. Add hearty toppings such as blueberries for antioxidants, nuts for healthy fats, and ground up flax seeds for extra fiber.

Tips For When You’re In a Time Crunch

Are you always in a hurry to get out the door in the morning? The key to making sure you still get a hearty breakfast is to plan ahead. Keep a selection of on-the-go options on hand at home so that you aren’t tempted to get a donut on the way to work. Try whole grain granola bars or yogurt with some nuts and berries on top.

Breakfast Smoothies

If you have a blender, why not make an easy and delicious breakfast smoothie? Throw in a mixture of whatever fruit you have on hand, such as bananas, oranges, apples, and frozen strawberries (even better, mix in some greens too!). Add some yogurt, almond milk or coconut milk for some extra protein, and you’ve got a well-rounded breakfast in a cup! Grab a piece of whole grain toast or add some flax to your smoothie to amp up your fiber intake.

Why It’s Ok to Skip the Sunscreen – 3 Tips for Healthy Sun Worship



During the summer, there are tons of news stories about the evils of UV rays, and the cancer risks associated with sun exposure.  But we believe that it’s not all doom and gloom and it is possible to enjoy the sun all summer long, by following a few easy, natural tips!

Skip the Sunscreen for 20 Minutes a Day

body-vitaminDWe need the sun to help us manufacture Vitamin D, an essential vitamin that plays a crucial role in our overall health.  In particular Vitamin D plays a huge role in our immune system function as well as with bone health.  While we can take Vitamin D supplements, the best way for our bodies to get Vitamin D is to make it ourselves.

Vitamin D is synthesized in the body through a combination of UVB rays and a form of cholesterol in the body – the combination converts the cholesterol into Vitamin D3, which is then carried to the liver and kidneys to make it available to the body.  So anytime you wear sunscreen, you not only block the cancer causing UVA rays, but you also block the Vitamin D producing UVB rays, thus denying your body a crucial component it needs for a healthy immune system!


  • Promote Healthy Lipid Levels
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Suppress Appetite
  • Burn Belly Fat
  • Lose Weight Naturally!



Thankfully you don’t have to risk a sunburn to get the amount of sun you need for your daily Vitamin D fix – all it takes is a good 20 minutes or so (depending on the person) in the sun with at least 40% of the skin exposed.  More is not better – there’s a maximum amount a person can absorb in a given day, so don’t go and bake all day long – you don’t want to burn!

Natural Protection from Burns

SunscreenObviously most of us want to stay out in the sun a lot longer than 20 minutes a day, and that’s where sunscreen comes in.  Unfortunately, most conventional sunscreens are laden with toxic chemicals and “nano particles” that go directly into the blood stream, delivering those toxins very efficiently.

But there are some more natural options, based on titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, and thankfully they don’t leave you with white “lifeguard nose”!  One of our favorites is made by Badger (available on Amazon.com) and it zinc oxide based.  It takes a little more effort to rub it in but it works amazingly well, and the rest of the ingredients are all 100% natural oils.  Even better, since it is zinc oxide based, it actually helps your skin heal if you do burn (zinc is an excellent element for healing skin)!


Care for Your Skin from the Inside Out

4731436_origFinally, at the end of the day the best way to care for your tan (or heal from a burn) is to make sure you get the right nutrients, in order to care for your skin from the inside out.  Essential fats and the right antioxidants go a long way to making sure your skin has everything it needs.

Coconut Oil and Omega 3 fatty acids are great sources for essential fats, but our favorite is Krill Oil.  Not only is it the most effective way to get Omega 3s (the form in krill oil is the most readily absorbed by the body, of all Omega 3s), but it also has an amazing antioxidant called astaxanthin.  Astaxanthin is one of the most potent antioxidants on the planet and in addition to all the great health benefits antioxidants provide, it also provides the body with the elements it needs to heal damage from sunburn.


As you can see, it is possible to be safe and healthy and still be a sun-worshipper!  So get out there and enjoy the sun this summer!

Dr. Frank Lipman – Many Health Crises in America are Related to Digestive Problems


Excellent interview today over at Organic Authority with Dr. Frank Lipman, one of the leading physicians on blending “western” medicine with more “alternative” medicine to bring people to their optimum health.

As one of the co-founders of Nature’s Symbiotics as well as dealing with Crohn’s Disease my entire adult life, this article was especially interesting because Dr. Lipman really drives the point home about how so much of our health is linked to the gut.  Whether you have a condition like mine, or any kind of auto-immune or inflammatory disease, or are in generally good health but want to protect yourself from getting sick, this is great advice to take home.  Take care of your gut and your gut will take care of you! :)

Here’s the interview – definitely worth a read! http://www.organicauthority.com/foodie-buzz/healing-from-the-inside-out-dr-frank-lipman-on-americas-healthcare-and-feeling-great.html